Thursday, 8 November 2007

Ok basically these are the notes on our idea from the meeting

Idea (so far):

Boy our age shown drunk or on drugs by mixture of fast or speeded up shots and slow, distorted or blurred staggering shots. Series of short distorted flashbacks to a party with lots of people and them taking drugs or drinking, all of the flashbacks could have a red tinge or something to distinguish them. Tension builds up as they walk through deserted areas in the dark highlighted by occasional streetlamps possibly? Quietness occasionally interupted by loud car and beeping or something to show the sensitive state of the character. Then they witness a murder and we are undecided over whether the murderer sees them and they run away and are scared for their own life. Or whether they pass out and are not really sure in their own mind what happened.

Potential actors:

-Louis Dresner, boy in our year good at acting, was in a year 13 music video.
-Connor, hench
-Nick, experience of acting


-Rachel Smethers, small, good for a victim

Camera shot ideas:

-Slight blur
-In and out of focus
-Spining or turning camera
-Lots of POV shots
-Slow rhythmic shot changes
-Distorion either in editing or camera shots achieved by breaking of camera rules
-Long shot of character sitting down, on bench or floor with their head in their hands for 10 minutes or longer then sped up so that the shot only lasts 10-15 seconds so that they seem to be moving very quickly and jerking due to their slight movements in the 10 minutes.
Could do it in a busy place, so other people would be walking past very quickly making the shot seem intense or could have it in an alleyway or somewhere and use only a few actors walking past and occasionally stopping to see if the person needs help but then moving on after they are ignored.
We will practice and experiment with this type of shot soon and could possibly do it in school so that we get the timing right.

Still no ideas for a title but working on it.

Thats all for now, next meeting on monday at lunch.
